Discover features that make traveling more convenient and easier with BusMap
Lookup detailed bus route information
BusMap allows users to find detailed information about each bus route such as Departure time chart, passing stations, fare information, operating time, etc. In addition, the user can easily find detailed information about all the nearest bus stations.
Smart Route Finder
BusMap recommends the most convenient and fastest route when using the local public transport system. In particular, these suggestions are made based on real data about the bus routes operating at the searching time.
Estimate the waiting time
The user can check the bus 🚌 arrival time provided by real-time 🕛 data from the vehicle's GPS 📍 device.
Track the bus journey and remind to get off the station
BusMap provides a feature to track the vehicle's route and supports reading the names of upcoming stations, overcoming the situation of getting off at the wrong station, helping users feel more secure when traveling by public transport.
Receive feedback
App users can rate the quality of each bus route and comment on the app features. BusMap team is always ready to listen to feedback and improve the application continuously.
Live data update
Keep the app running with the latest city bus data.